I spent a great deal of time this past GDC reviewing student portfolios and realized afterwards during email responses, I was typing a lot of the same information, so I’ve collected a few here and will continue to add. What language should I learn to code in? Ahhh… The language question. I answer this question…
Category: .python
simplicity. time to focus on quality… substance… real meat… no frills… just content. students asked if a tool existed to select all the hard or soft edges in their meshes so we whipped up a bit of python to do just that. [sourcecode language=”python” wraplines=”false” collapse=”false”] # set EDGETYPE variable to 0,1,2 import maya.cmds as…
obtaining maya filenames via two methods
As I continue to learn more about python and maya I’m finding more efficient ways of gathering data. Yesterday during a code review I used the following way to grab the base path from a Maya filename. import maya.cmds as cmds fileName = cmds.file(sceneName=True, q=True) baseFileName = fileName.split(‘/’) del baseFileName[-1] basePath = “/”.join(baseFileName) print basePath…
xlrd – t3h xls hottn3ss
Really great py module for reading .xls files. Instead of having to export excel to .csv and then parse, you can use this module to read/open/print info from whole excel files or from selected rows/cells. Research for this came about while trying to figure out at easier way to pull data from a particular portion…
xlrd – t3h xls hottn3ss
Really great py module for reading .xls files. Instead of having to export excel to .csv and then parse, you can use this module to read/open/print info from whole excel files or from selected rows/cells. Research for this came about while trying to figure out at easier way to pull data from a particular portion…
Code Junkie…
A buddy at work has been motivating me to try to script more things as I am going through my daily routine and I’m starting to realize the power that is there. We have a number of minor repetitive tasks that we do every day in our jobs as tech artists, and as one-offs they…
camera, units, time … action!
The power of scripting never ceases to amaze me. One of the biggest things that bothers me on a daily basis (albeit) a small and simple issue, is that when you bring a model in for rigging the scene size, frames, and camera are never setup correctly. We have a mel script at work to…
python and perforce
woot, wrote a python script to connect to a p4 server and create a changelist to add data to: The idea here would be to open a file, parse it for files that need to be added/updated/revisioned in perforce, then pass this info to p4 via python. from P4 import P4 p4 = P4() #…